I have already spent my insurance deductible to have the boat hauled earlier this summer and the rudder bent back about 90%. The other reason was I am spending so much money to have her hauled again later this fall to replace my bent rudder I figured what's a few more 1000. I don't like leaving her in reverse when sailing as that is noticeably more drag.

The only reason I was considering changing the prop is that if I leave the engine in neutral the prop spins whenever we go faster than 4 knots or so. We still mostly come in last or next to last primarily because we are cruisers and drink beer and blast music and watch the sunset over the lake during the race. My PHRF is 207 which is probably generous for my tall rig and 145% headsail. The boat most closes to me in speed and rating is an O'Day 28. There are a few Catalina 27s and a couple of 22s. But I race mostly in our cruiser non spin fleet on our Wednesday night summer series mostly because our small lake gets boring and sailing around the cans at sunset with the fleet is fun.

It might be better to have a 12”D prop with a higher pitch than to have a 13” prop (or vice versa). I don’t know the diameter of my Max prop, but have read that the distance between the edge of the prop and the hull bottom can affect prop walk/wash. If you go with the Max-Prop, let them know the distance between the center of the prop shaft and the hull, as well as the distance from the prop to the rudder. The consensus of the group is that the prop design can affect prop walk and wash. I do have significant prop walk in reverse, as well as prop wash in forward which requires I hold on to the wheel when motoring if I don’t want to turn to port. The fixed prop that came with the boat was 13”D with a 12” pitch. When I purchased the boat it was set to 18 degrees, but I increased it to 20 degrees and can still attain 2900 rpm at max throttle. It has great bite in reverse because the blades flip instead of working “backwards”. | Max-Prop Automatic Feathering Propellers.

I have a 1997 MkII with the M25XPB engine.